Cyber Due Diligence

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Cyber Due Diligence

Companies that get cybersecurity right treat it not as an add-on but as something shaped by—and aligned with—business strategy. Kratos Partners helps companies focus on digital risk management and cyber risk capabilities that matter most.

Cybersecurity and IT risk management are not technology projects. They are business projects with strong tech components. Companies that understand this don’t pursue wide-ranging—and often impossible to implement—cyber roadmaps. They focus on the IT risks and capabilities most relevant to their business strategy.

This perspective shapes our unique approach to cybersecurity and cyber risk. And it’s why a big part of our work is about enablement: building a foundation for continual improvement. So even when we step out of the picture, companies can keep their cybersecurity strategy and their business strategy aligned.

Our Approach to Cyber Risk and Cybersecurity Strategy

We look at cybersecurity through a business lens. Our IT and cyber risk teams help companies identify the digital risks they can and can’t accept. This lets us develop business-driven and risk-aligned capability roadmaps. Companies then focus their efforts—and investments—where they matter most.

The process plays out in several phases

Instead of relying on checklists to quantify IT and cyber risk, we work to understand risk tolerance in the context of business strategy. Our cybersecurity and digital risk consultants are not just technically proficient; they also possess strong business and risk acumen. They get to the heart of a company’s cybersecurity vision, so that it aligns with the business’s strategy.

We use evidence-based analysis, anchored in our clients’ priorities, to create a customized framework for cybersecurity. Our surgical approach means that a company doesn’t have to be best in class on every element of cybersecurity. In some cases, being good is just fine—and trying to do more could be an inefficient, and even unnecessary, use of resources.

Our cyber risk consultants work toward one overarching goal: to enable clients to take ownership of their cybersecurity and risk management. The capabilities, processes, and cyber skills we help develop—and embed through robust change management—allow companies to build on their cyber risk strategy, so it is always in sync with their needs, circumstances, and ambitions.

Kratos Partners cyber due diligence services help you make better better-informed M&A decisions.

  • Identify actual cyber security lapses or potential at-risk areas in your targets.
  • Quantify remediation costs and help restructure investments if needed.
  • Demonstrate data security commitment to stakeholders and regulators.

We have supported Private equity and portfolio companies with following Cyber due diligence services:

Evaluate cyber-security maturity and management.
Evaluate nature and risk profile of the data.
Evaluate cyber readiness to comply with key principles and regulations.
Evaluate third party as well as deep dark web exposure.
Evaluate cyber insurance coverage.
Serve as Chief Information Security Officer for the firm (e.g., develop policies, promote awareness)
Evaluate cyber security risks firm operations (e.g., risk to IP, financial data loss)
Prepare security strategy to meet firm goals and compliance requirements (e.g., SEC, GDPR)
Build and manage third party vendor security and risk program.
Guide response and recovery efforts to security incidents